image: Jeff Couturier

Jeff Couturier
designer / developer

Learning Ruby: First Impressions

written by Jeff on 2013-03-01

tags: ruby, rails

I’ve been a LAMP guy for about 12 years. Before that I wrote Perl and ColdFusion. With the start of a new job I’ve been learning Ruby. I’m only about a week or so in, but here are my initial thoughts so far:

The Bad

The Good

Overall? Meh.

And that’s it. I don’t have any other good points yet. Many of the irritations I’m seeing are the result of changes as I learn more. I fully expect that I’m wrong about many of these things (and hope that I am). And the issue may be Rails rather then Ruby itself so I’m reluctant to lump their faults together. We’ll see if that opinion so please let me know if you feel differently. I want to like Ruby, but it’s not impressing me thus far.